One Way Directional Traffic Control Spikes Installation and Safety Tips : SECURE LANE BUZZ BLOG

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One Way Directional Traffic Control Spikes Installation and Safety Tips

by Christine Richards on 02/19/15

One Way Directional Traffic Control Spikes Installation and Safety Tips

Traffic control systems can greatly help protect your assets and property, however there can also be potential risks and liability concerns with their use. It is extremely important that proper safety measures are taken in the installation and use of a traffic spike system. Below are 12 recommended do's and don'ts of safe traffic spike system operation and installation to help you avoid mistakes that could result in an unsafe system. Following these tips can help ensure that no people or equipment are damaged from the traffic spike system.

Traffic Spike System Do's

Do clearly warn pedestrians & drivers about the potential danger.

It is imperative that the area be clearly marked with at least a lighted or reflective warning sign. This is very recommended especially as it is required by law in many locations. Illumination of the traffic spike teeth, especially in areas with adjacent pedestrian traffic, is highly encouraged for an added level of safety. Remember, it's never a bad idea to have additional signs or pavement markings to increase the awareness of potential danger as well as reduce the property owners liability.

Do install in an area that has high visibility.

It's extremely important that traffic spike systems are installed in an area that is highly visible in order to ensure the safety of drivers. Traffic control systems should never be installed in blind spots, directly around corners, or halfway down a one way road. Pretty much anywhere a driver can not be properly forewarned of the potential danger to their vehicle.

Do consult experienced / trained professionals on the optimal placement   of units, taking into account varying road widths.

The best layout for your property will depend on the width of the traffic lane that the units will be installed on and the type of vehicles that will be crossing over spike controllers. Please contact us (at 520-780-9751 or email at with your site specifications so that we can recommend the best system for your site.

Do add speed bumps before traffic controllers when extra speed control is desired.

Traffic needs to be slowed down to a maximum of 5 MPH when prior to crossing over the spike system. If use of the traffic controller does not automatically slow down traffic to this speed then it will be necessary to install a speed bump before the unit. Accidents, as well as extreme wear and tear on the unit is possible if traffic is not slowed down to the recommended 5 MPH speed.

Do make sure the traffic controller you choose is appropriate for the application.

Some facilities such as a hospital and emergency room, where people are likely distracted and agitated, might not be an appropriate place to install a traffic spike system. Traffic controllers should only be used in a parking situation or other places where traffic can be slowed to a maximum of 5 MPH prior to crossing over the unit.  We do offer a pedestrian friendly spike system that is perfect for these types of facilities.

Do leave proper drainage channels below in-ground units.

It is important that you allow adequate drainage channels below in ground traffic controllers so that water will not gather beneath the unit during normal weather conditions. The placement area of an in-ground traffic spike system should be excavated 24-36 inches deep, depending on the annual rainfall of your area. Use cement blocks as a base, placed on top of crushed rock, to position the top plate of the traffic controller at a level flush with the pavement surface.

Do install in a way that traffic flows over spike teeth at a strict 90 degree angle.

Is it very important that traffic controllers are installed in such a manner that traffic flows over the teeth at a strict 90 degree angle (perpendicular to the teeth). Complete vehicle alignment and perpendicular passage over the controller must be assured for both the front and rear tires. Failure to follow this guideline will result in extreme wear and tear on your unit as well as the puncturing of tires or chipping when traveling in the correct/allowed direction over the teeth.

Traffic Spike System Don'ts

Don't install on a curve.

A traffic controller being installed on a curve does not allow enough room before and after the unit for all vehicles to cross straight over them. There must be enough straight roadway available before and after the unit to allow vehicles that have just completed a turn or slope to straighten out so they're exactly perpendicular to the teeth. Fifteen to twenty feet of space in front of before the unit is a good rule of thumb. Not following this guideline may severely damage your unit and puncture the tires of traffic traveling in the correct direction over the spikes.  Click here to see an example.

Don't install on uneven surfaces

Surface mounted units must be installed on a level, even surface with no welts, bumps, or dips beneath them. In-ground units must be installed with a level drainage bed, when installed properly an in-ground unit will be completely level with the road surface.

Don't install on inappropriate road surfaces such as brick, gravel, or dirt.

Traffic spike controllers should only be installed on level concrete or asphalt roadway. Brick, dirt, gravel and other road surfaces are not appropriate installation surfaces. If you're installing the spike system in an area that has an inappropriate road surface, a level concrete pad should be laid at the point of installation, stretching at least 10 ft from the unit.

Don't install in an area that has a large amount of dirt, debris, or gravel.

If the area surrounding the installation has a lot of dirt, debris, or gravel, it is highly recommended that a concrete pad be installed at the point of installation and the immediately surrounding area to reduce the amount of materials getting inside the spike system.

Don't forget to properly maintain the unit.

In order to ensure your traffic controller has a long life of functioning properly, it is essential to be familiar with and to follow through with the maintenance requirements of the unit. Proper maintenance consists of periodic inspection and removal of leaves, dirt, gravel, or other materials that may have become lodged inside the unit. How often this needs to be done will depend on your geographic area and the conditions at your installation site.

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